The no excuse training programme

Clew tries out a 20 minutes training programme from Lifestyle Optimiser: Exercise can be as simple as this 20 minutes programme! Do it at least 3 times per week – and there is no excuse for not doing it!

Creative Clews: Jenny Mannion

Miranda van den Heuvel talks to creative expats and creative people all over the world about creativity in general and their own creative outlet in particular. Meet writer Jenny Mannion. from Oneonta, New York, USA.  1. What is CREATIVITY? Creativity means to me tapping into your true Essence, your Soul, and letting it express itself. It […]

A bow to Bowie

What’s on your list of things you’d really like to do but never find or take the time to do? You know, the “One Day I’ll…”-list. Read those books, watch those movies, see those places, take that class, make that playlist… This weekend I actually did one of those things, well at least I got started. […]

Violet edition: Energy food

Clew’s recent colour musings have been leading up to this magnificent colour: Violet. Violet as in creativity, poetry, flowers, mystery, expectation…and Clew. Violet is Clew’s colour, and it is often regarded as the colour of wisdom and creativity. So our 3rd anniversary edition (already!) will revive some of our old words of wisdom and creativity. This is […]

Violet edition: Enjoying without owning

Clew’s recent colour musings have been leading up to this magnificent colour: Violet. Violet as in creativity, poetry, flowers, mystery, expectation…and Clew. Violet is Clew’s colour, and it is often regarded as the colour of wisdom and creativity. So our 3rd anniversary edition (already!) will revive some of our old words of wisdom and creativity. This is […]

Creative Clews: Beata Mordawska

Miranda van den Heuvel talks to creative expats and creative people all over the world about creativity in general and their own creative outlet in particular. Our first Creative Clew is Beata Mordawska from Poland. 1. What is CREATIVITY? To me, creativity is an internal instinct, something – a force or energy – that urges me to do things […]

Getting social

When you move from one country to another without knowing a single soul, you have to make an effort to make new friends. It’s much easier for the working expat and your children as they immediately get colleagues and class mates.

Wanting what you don’t have

Clew’s Miranda interviews creative expats, but she’s also a creative coach, with her own inspiring blog Create & Connect. Clew borrows from her blog:  Very often when I meet with my awesome women friends, something odd happens. These women are all very different. All very unique. All very beautiful. All very intelligent. They are all […]

Blue sky and a new school

Things happen in a mother’s heart when her kid goes to school for the first time. Many of you have already experienced this. I got to live it for the first time this year. Or feel it. Technically it was simple, well organised and not so different from the kindergarten days. I am not going to get all melodramatic […]

Happy Yogis!

After a wonderful first ‘Happy Yogis Evening’ (HYE), a new HYE will take place this month in Luxembourg City, at LeneLife @ Le Bec Fin. This will be a great opportunity to socialise with fellow yogis and yoga instructors, find out more about yoga, and indulge in a selection of delicious food.