A bow to Bowie

What’s on your list of things you’d really like to do but never find or take the time to do? You know, the “One Day I’ll…”-list. Read those books, watch those movies, see those places, take that class, make that playlist… This weekend I actually did one of those things, well at least I got started. […]

Violet edition: I am an expat wife, but does it define me?

Clew’s recent colour musings have been leading up to this magnificent colour: Violet. Violet as in creativity, poetry, flowers, mystery, expectation…and Clew. Violet is Clew’s colour, and it is often regarded as the colour of wisdom and creativity. So our 3rd anniversary edition (already!) will revive some of our old words of wisdom and creativity. This is […]

Dear Santa

Dear Santa, As I sat down to write to you, I actually got both a writer’s block and a wish block. So I started googling around, and did you know that there’s a website called http://www.grownupletterstosanta.com? Do you even google, or read web letters, or e-mail? It would be kind of cute if you didn’t, but I […]

The linguistic je ne sais quoi

There are so many things the French do better…isn’t it…? Perhaps not as many as they seemingly like to think… or as we seem to think that they like to think (well… one of the two).  But sometimes yes, they do do things better. I won’t get into neither haute couture nor haute culture nor haute […]

With a hint of cabbage and caramel

Even if you can’t detect the smell or taste of cabbage or caramel, wet dog or dried prune, skunk or sauerkraut – or bacon on burned toast, enjoying the many pleasures of wine is a privilege, as Clew photographer Lisbeth Ganer demonstrates in this series of wine photos from the Ribera del Duero wine district in […]

(No longer) The Good Wife

The Desperate Expat Wife has succumbed. Once an addict always an addict. She has been so good, trying hard for years – granted with the occasional relapse. She has tried for the sake of her family, for the sake of her own health, to prove to herself that she could – but hélas, in the end she […]

Math anxiety

Math anxiety. I certainly have some degree of that , and so, apparently, do many children, meaning they worry about doing maths at school to the point where it causes negative emotional reactions, even becoming a fear. You don’t have to be lousy at maths to feel it, even the best math students can develop […]

Calling Lost Expats Worldwide

Autumn is a time of change. In weather, in nature, in us – we make a few changes in our homes and wardrobes to greet and get ready for winter. And so autumn is a good time to change for Clew as well. We wish to be not just Calling Luxembourg Expat Women, but indeed […]

Post-summer bummer

The Desperate Expat Wife considers the generous holidays in Luxembourg to be a major advantage. She especially enjoys it in September when she, comfortably installed on her beach towel, waves a royal goodbye to the majority of fellow holidaymakers who grudgingly pick up their towels and plod back to work and school, making her the […]

H & G country

Now, if you think that when you’ve seen one Hansel & Gretel town you’ve seen them all, Limburg might just make you change your mind. Close to Koblenz and about a 2 hours drive from Luxembourg –  depending on whether you opt for the Autobahn or the winding road between the Moselle river and steep, […]