A fishy feast

So we’re all more stuffed with Christmas food than a giant turkey and we can stand the smell of it no more. Quite often it’s the said turkey or some meat’n potatoes variation. Tradition oblige. But how about fish?

Was Darth at your family Christmas lunch?

Many of us will have had at least one Darth Vader at the Christmas table this year. More grumpy than a Wookey with dandruff. Moaning about the weather, the noise, the fuss and bother. A traditional dark presence who doesn’t play games or truly get into the spirit of things. It could have been Uncle […]

From all of Clew to all of you

♥ Clew Christmas greetings ♥ These are some of the things the Clew crew had to say to Santa this year: “I just want to tell you I have been good this year and tried most of the time to reeaaally listen to…myself (who else?!)” – Sorana “… this year I am going to ask you […]

I know where I am in the world right now

At Christmas time, I adore listening to Tori Amos’ CD  ‘Midwinter Graces’, possessed since 2009, containing her own Christmas carols. If you don’t know who she is, Tori Amos has continuously been releasing brave albums without choking for the last 23 years. Fairy tale musical ‘The Light Princes’ was one of the latest challenges she dedicated herself […]

Dear Santa

Dear Santa, As I sat down to write to you, I actually got both a writer’s block and a wish block. So I started googling around, and did you know that there’s a website called http://www.grownupletterstosanta.com? Do you even google, or read web letters, or e-mail? It would be kind of cute if you didn’t, but I […]

Where you going for the holidays?

“Where you going for the holidays?” is a pretty standard question this time of year. Staying put, going back to where roots are, or going someplace new. It’s one of the three for those no longer living in their homeland. I’m going back to the Chicagoland area, back to where I’m from. It’s the place […]

Ho ho – Merry Christmas from Norway!

Christmas traditions are important, especially when you live abroad as an expat. You try to make the holiday as normal as you can and simultaneously adapt new traditions. When you move back home your traditions have changed quite a bit – like hanging miniature bottles as ornaments on your tree. However, I really do miss […]

Homemade sweets for Christmas

Here are a few quick ideas for festive family fun in the kitchen:

Dear Santa

Dear Santa, It’s late in the season and I’ve got to get this letter off to you ASAP, so forgive my abruptness (and my foul language). Ya’ see, Santa, this holiday season the only frosty snowman I know of is me. And I don’t wear no silk hat. I don’t smoke no pipe, neither. So […]

White Christmas – a very secret list of magic places

I love Christmas markets. That’s it, now you know my secret! But at the same time, I’m always looking for magic and uniqueness -more than just some nicely decorated wooden stalls and mulled wine. So this is not just a list of Christmas markets, this is what I’m pleased to call: My very secret list of magic places! Christmas in […]