Violet edition: I am an expat wife, but does it define me?

Clew’s recent colour musings have been leading up to this magnificent colour: Violet. Violet as in creativity, poetry, flowers, mystery, expectation…and Clew. Violet is Clew’s colour, and it is often regarded as the colour of wisdom and creativity. So our 3rd anniversary edition (already!) will revive some of our old words of wisdom and creativity. This is […]

Changing your home without forgetting your head. Prologue of a (crazy) move

Clew’s Silvia has moved from Luxembourg to Sweden: Moving could represent a need, a choice, a great and exciting idea, fresh air in your life – but it could also reveal an unexpected side and a real training for your body and mind. Here’s my personal –  and a bit crazy- experience.  It is never too early to […]

Getting social

When you move from one country to another without knowing a single soul, you have to make an effort to make new friends. It’s much easier for the working expat and your children as they immediately get colleagues and class mates.

When friend-ships – or “the roast beef theory”

I have this friend, a long time expat, who has the funniest theory, which we decided over a conversation to call  The roast beef theory. What´s it about? His grandmother had this recipe for roast beef  that she used to make throughout his childhood, almost every Sunday, and to this day he calls it the best in the […]

Expats or lonepats?

“I think you travel to search and you come back home to find yourself there.” – Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie-Nigerian author There are people “naturally born” to live abroad, and then there are some who cannot even begin to imagine a life somewhere other than in their home country. Of course, a simplistic categorisation such as this one […]

Letter from a mother

Letter to all the new mothers out there In an era where information surrounds you everywhere you look or go, the world´s toughest  job- being a mother-can get rather confusing at one point or the other. Suffice to say you go online, either for Facebook, reading your favourite newspaper or bumping into …blogs, and you […]

Getting home in time

Most topics can be seen from an expat angle. Using the geometrical angle, one side will be the sheer physical distance and the other socio-cultural changes. The endpoint is personal change and a new take on things ranging from small to big and from fun to serious. Even death is within this angle. It was […]

Driving Miss Daisy

When you’re a world citizen moving from country to country, there’s always a lot of paper work to do. However, some exercises are of the more practical sort, like taking the driver’s license! -Oh no! The first time I lived abroad I realized that I had to take a new driver’s license, more than 20 […]

From diapers to dating

We parents need support – from family, friends, other parents or professionals – as our children pass from diapers to I-will-only-wear-pink to I-have-nothing-to-wear (so-I-slam-the-door) to the time they will actually wear nothing with a partner. Underneath there might be other, more serious layers. For expat parents, away from their own country, culture and family, it […]

Body language

Did you hear the one about the Mediterranean who was trying to have a conversation with someone from one of the Nordic countries? The Mediterranean chased the Nord all the way down the hall trying to get close enough to chat. And so it goes with body language. Every culture on the planet has its […]